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The Frank Soo Foundation works with and supports several partners and help fund raise for local community centres. Below are some of the partners we work with.


Sporting Equals

The Frank Soo Foundation are Gold Members of Sporting Equals.

Sporting Equals exist to promote ethnic diversity across sport and physical activity, and are the only organisation in the UK to do so. Originally set up by Sport England, in partnership with the Commission for Racial Equality, since 2007 they have been a fully independent body and a national partner of both Sport England and Sport Scotland.

Their Three Primary aims are;

1. To raise awareness and understanding of the needs of Ethnically Diverse Communities within the sports and health sector, in order to change attitudes and increase participation in sport and physical activity.

2. To empower individuals and communities to play a part in this change, and achieve their full potential through playing sport and being active.

3. To advise and support policy-makers and delivery bodies to be inclusive of all under-represented groups, drawing on our experience with Ethnically Diverse Communities.


Dr Sun Yi Xian’s Youth Foundation aims to enhance and develop communication and cooperation in economic, cultural and sports education between Europe, China (including Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau) and the rest of the world. In particular, the charity aims to look after the welfare and develop of the education of the youth.

Since 2003 they have been developing the “Sino-UK School Football Project” to promote football and education between Greater China and the UK.

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The London CCC was founded in 1980 and was the first Chinese Community Centre in the United Kingdom.

The Centre’s mission is to preserve and promote Chinese culture, arts and identity, whilst helping the community to better integrate into mainstream UK community.

The Centre is one of the busiest centres for Chinese culture and its communities in Europe and has attracted several Royal visits. Their team of well-trained staff, dedicated volunteers and professional management committee members provide wide-ranging support and activities. These range from welfare and benefits support and advice to language classes, cultural and recreational activities, elderly support, a healthy eating luncheon club, youth club and fundraising events.

The Centre continually strives to meet the changing and growing demand for services and activities within this evolving community in a climate of reduced government funding. They are always looking for ways to build on this and be better at what we do.



The BCCC has been the primary hub for the Chinese community in Birmingham and the West Midlands since their inception over 40 years ago.

Initially driven to provide practical support as well as companionship and a meeting centre, where nothing existed, they remain a community anchor for Chinese people, especially those socially isolated through age, caring responsibilities and language barriers.

However, these days they also organise more social activities to engage families with children, thereby enabling British-born Chinese to stay in touch with their roots through interaction with the older generations.

They also strive to build bridges between the Chinese and the wider community through cultural activities, such as traditional dance and singing, Chinese language workshops as well as ESOL classes, and networking events for businesses wishing to develop trade links with China.

They are actively engaged in promoting wellbeing through body massage and facials, and health through regular activities such as stretch & tone exercise, walking, table tennis, badminton and Tai Chi.

Prevention is better than cure, therefore they support people to look after their mental, emotional and physical health.

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The Manchester Chinese Centre is a non-profit charity organisation, which was established in 2005 and is run entirely by its volunteers.

They work closely with various community organisations to provide a great service to both the Chinese and British communities in the whole Northwest and promote the understanding and awareness of Chinese culture in the UK.  

They aim to enhance the local community by assisting Chinese speaking people (both refugees and immigrants), throughout Greater Manchester to integrate and access different opportunities, thus enabling them to participate fully in the society.

In Manchester, the centre has a successful track record of working with local residents by providing various Chinese language courses, Chinese interpreting services, workshops and cultural activities and events. 

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